No worries, we decided to visit my best girlfriend, L and her family on our way home and stay the night. Here's a picture of L, me and our kids from last year around this same time.
L and I met in college, as dorm-mates. We hit it off right away,
and were basically inseparable for the rest of our college days together. Even though we ended up living in different places after college, we've remained attached at the heart. We have one of those friendships where anytime we talk to each other, no matter how much time has passed, we pick up like we last spoke only a few hours earlier. We've been through so much together. We were both married within a couple years of one another, and have had the joy of having our children around the same time too. In fact, our first daughters are less than a month apart in age.
Our second daughters are only five months apart. I swear, we didn't even plan it! We aren't the kind of chicks who have to do everything together, even pee. We have a connection, through Christ, and it's kept us together. I was looking forward to my "L fix".
Only thing was, she was working until 5pm, so we needed to kill time after our 10am check-out. We were doing a fine job of it in the beginning, with a trip to the ice cream parlor at Bass Lake after lunch. Things started to take a turn for the worst after we got in the camper to head out to her neck of the woods. The air conditioning stopped working... and it was around 108 degrees that day.
We decided to try to grab a movie in a town along the way, so I used my handy dandy Blackberry to find a kid's show. By the time we got to the theatre, the kids hadn't napped, so they were c r a n k y. Could it have been the fact that they were hopped up on sugar just before loading them up for hours in the car, with no AC? This was exacerbated by the fact that my husband was at his wit's end. Could it have been the fact that the kids were hopped up on sugar and driving him nuts while he was trying to drive our fully loaded camper, with no AC?
Walking up to the ticket counter with two crying kids in tow, we discovered that the kid's movie was not in fact playing at that theatre (the only one in town) anymore. Back across the 110 degree parking lot with two crying kids, into the camper - did I mention, with no AC?
After a not-so-pleasant conversation between my husband and I, which involved discussions of sleep deprived kids, out of patience parents, needs to have discussion with contractor before husband leaves for another week-long business trip on Sunday... we decided to just head for home, and bypass our visit with my friend L.
Back on the (not-so-handy-dandy) Blackberry, to search out a hotel for the night. Eventually, we landed in our home town. The hotel was great, despite our continued personal woes, probably due to all of our exhaustion and lack of brain cells after our drive in the oven. We argued about where to eat - I wanted to make it easy, and just eat at the hotel, and my husband insisted that hotel food sucks, and we were in our hometown after all - we could find a better place to eat. I acquiesced, and he proceeded to drive us to... McDonald's. Yes, this is his idea of food that is better than hotel food.
We are now home, and have spent the rest of the weekend trying to get the house back in order from all the disarray of the construction, on top of unpacking from our lake vacation. So much for being rested.
L - I MISS YOU, and wish we could have seen each other. But, as I know you'd want me to do, let me look in the bright side here.
1. I just had a fantastic vacation with my sister and her family, at an idyllic location, creating memories for ourselves and our children that will last a lifetime.
2. The fact that L understood why we didn't make it, without a shred of animosity, is a shining example of our amazing friendship.
3. I heard that WALL-E isn't worth seeing in the theatre anyway.
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